YOUth can.


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Humor Has It

Since it’s already HELLWEEK, I know most of us are already in the state of the distress because of the nerve-wracking load of paper works, tons of final exams and of course in my case, due to the depressing THESIS. And because, I’m now in the state of being haggard, lost and stressed; I think I need some of this thing in my currently disorganized life. Also, because I’m a bit a clingy to our thesis I better talk about this.

It is an undeniable fact that one of the best-known Filipino traits is humor. Gallup incorporated; a US-based polling firm conducted a 2012 survey that shows Filipinos are among the top 10 happiest countries in the world. Likewise, Filipinos also ranked as the third happiest people in Asia based on a recent 2013 report by Eden Strategy Institute’s Happiness Index. According to Eden Strategy Institute, Filipinos’ happiness emanates from a sense of strong family ties, appreciation of others’ goodness, ability to find enjoyment in hard works and capacity to smile as well as laugh despite the struggles. According to Dr. Maria Rhodora Ancheta, laughter makes us survive. Humor and laughter are Filipinos’ form of survival as well as symbol of resiliency particularly during dire and crisis situations. Moreover, humor serves as a defense mechanism to endure everything that is tragic and surreal. Filipinos cannot go through a single day without savoring a joke or two. Filipinos’ inclination to melodrama is only surpassed through their ability to laugh at small things even at the slightest provocation.

Swimming in the flood Olympics Style (from

Swimming in the flood Olympics Style (from

That’s is why eventhough we feel like we are actually experiencing hell right now, don’t forget to at least have fun and find time to…
